As you read through the curriculum, you will notice that everything is laid out for you,
day by day. You will also notice there are two kinds of activities:
• Offscreen games
• Online stories, challenges, and games
The lessons contain the following components:
1. Hands-on Tasks and Projects
These tasks and projects are designed to give your student the chance to play
and work with the skills and concepts being covered in each lesson using charts,
worksheets, games, and other creative projects.
2. Online Stories
The stories in each lesson review and reinforce the skill or concept being covered
in the lesson. Your student will join the KneoExplorers as they embark on
important missions, solve mysteries, and hang out around the ship.
3. Online Learning Games
The learning games give your student the chance to show what they know and
can do in different ways. Each lesson's learning games require the student to
work through their mastery of what they are learning with challenging games and
4. Connect and Reflect
Each lesson provides students with the chance to make real-life connections with
their learning through various writing and journaling activities. Through these
connections, students reflect on their learning to make the learning "stick".
5. Reading Comprehension Checks
Each lesson concludes with a quick quiz to check for comprehension.
6. Post Challenge
Each lesson concludes with a short, final quiz that is specific to the lesson's
learning objective.
*** In addition to the lessons, your students can read all about the KneoWorld
Explorers adventures in the Adventure Stories for fun. They can also fine
tune their critical thinking skills playing in Brain Games!
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